Westport Light State Park

Last week Ryan said we were going on a road trip on Monday but wouldn’t tell me where. So early Monday we made a picnic lunch, gathered up the dogs and got in the car for our surprise. We drove out to Westport on the coast, to the Westport Light State Park. It has picnic […]

Say Cheese!

Ryan brought home a new solar cooking cookbook from the library the other day. The other cookbooks that the library had were all pretty old but this one is brand new and looks to have quite a few tasty recipes. [newline] One of the recipes that immediately jumped out at me was for cream cheese. […]


It has been hot here. It isn’t cooling off much at night either. The low last night was 73°F. There are some clouds this morning which made for an interesting sunrise. [thumb:412:l][thumb:411:l][newline] The effect only lasted a few minutes but it was very dramatic. Despite the clouds the forecast still calls for temperatures in the […]

Baked by the Sun

That is how we’re feeling, baked. It is supposed to get up near 100 today, it’s already 95 on our patio and feels much hotter in the sun. I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and let it bake something else— peanut butter swirl brownies. It’s the first time I’ve made this recipe and […]

Baby Frog!

The two frogs (that we know of) that had been living in the tomato planters have been missing for some time now. Today when watering I noticed the bright green frog in the Thai tomato planter’s water spout. Then I did a double take– it shrunk! It was a baby frog, a little larger than […]


Today as I was watering the porch garden I discovered a little frog in each of the tomato planter’s water spouts. They are both quite different from each other. This little guy was in the Patio Orange tomato planter. [thumb:385:l][newline] And this bright fellow was in the Thai tomato planter. [thumb:386:l][newline] Our peas are looking […]

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