Grinding Fresh Flour

We’ve made fresh flour! Our grain mill arrived today and we all took turns grinding our organic wheat into flour. Tomorrow Kate’s going to take the flour and turn it into bread. There wasn’t time this evening since the grain mill came too late. I’d like to get a solar oven soon – and bake […]

Grain mill

Today we ordered a grain mill and wheat berries so that we can start grinding our own flour. Even if we can’t produce all of our food ourselves we can start adapting to a life that uses less pre-package, prepared foods in favor of fresh produce, etc.

Wind Storm

Yesterday we had high winds. Really high winds! At least for us. We lost power at one point for awhile. One of our tomato cages kept blowing over – uprooted out of the Earthbox. The row covers were tied to the cages so I guess it wanted to act like a box kite or something […]

Doggy Disaster

Bad timing. Just as I stepped onto our patio to walk McCoy, the rottweiler from upstairs exited the hallway. McCoy leaped over basil planter catching his leash in the tomato cages. Down went the cages, mulch covers got ripped off, dirt (and baby plants) got all messed up. McCoy was tangled up in the tomato […]

Landblog: Work & Technology

Landblog: Work & Technology Ran Prieur has an interesting post up on his site about choosing appropriate technology. if you’re raising your own food through permaculture, no-till gardens, perennials and self-seeding annuals, fruit and nut orchards integrated with small animals, you can surpass even the efficiency of forager-hunters. And you can do the same thing […]

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