Morning Yoga

I practiced yoga again this morning. I’m slowly getting a better handle on the sequence of poses. Each time I go through it I’m learning a bit more about what I’m trying to do. It’ll be nice to get to the point where I just know the poses and don’t have to keep referring to […]

Yoga Practice

I haven’t been consistent about my yoga practice. When I do practice regularly I feel better but it hasn’t become a habit yet. This morning I went through the Sun Flow series of postures in my Kripalu Yoga book. I’d like to get into the habit of practicing regularly. Maybe if I post more about […]

Yoga schedule

Tonight I started my new yoga practice. My new schedule has a half hour of yoga in the morning when I first get up and then again before bed. It’s clear right off that I need to do a lot of breathing practice as well as the postures. Kripalu yoga has a good mix of […]

Return to Yoga

A few months ago I started a yoga practice but despite feeling better I decided it was taking too much time. Lately, however, my muscles have been stiffer and I haven’t been sleeping well. Clearly I need to do something or my health is going to continue to suffer. With that in mind I’ve ordered […]

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