Planted Garden

Yesterday I planted the porch garden for this year. First I had to get the Earthboxes setup. For a couple of them that meant taking out the dirt so I could change the location of the watering tube. Most of them just needed the old fertilizer removed, the soil turned and any old roots broken up. I added some new Whitney farms potting soil to the mix. Then I added new mulch covers, cut openings according to our garden plan and planted the seeds. We’ll see how they do being planted in the boxes. If some fail to germinate I’ll try them in my seed tray instead.

Earthboxes without mulch covers:
Bare Earthboxes

All planted, with new mulch covers:
All Planted

It has been exactly a year since I planted last year’s garden. Of course then I planted the seeds inside. We’ll have to see how this goes. Depends on the weather too.

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