We decided to buy some row covers for the patio garden. In part to keep the wicked squirrels out, but also to keep the tomatoes warmer. Last year the tomatoes took a long time to start producing due, we think, to the cold night time temps. We found row covers for sale online but they weren’t in stock so instead of waiting we decided to shop locally for them. 4 different stores and no row covers! It wasn’t the lack of row covers that bothered me so much, it was the blank look on the sales peoples face when asked if they carried them. I’m thinking that if you work in the gardening department you should know what a row cover is!
It really reminded me of an incident that happened years ago (back in our college days) when we were in a music store. A woman came over to the salesperson and asked if they had anything by Tchaikovsky. The salespersons got a confused look and then said, “I don’t know but you could check in the Alternative music section.” LOL!