
This afternoon I transplanted out the Thai Pink Egg tomatoes, the Patio Orange tomato and the Lemon Cucumber.
The Thai Pink Egg tomatoes are on the end – this is the same place we grew them our first year but this time with better support. In addition to the cages I’ve strung lines across each cage to provide additional support.
The Lemon Cucumber and Patio Orange tomato share the front box. I’ve added the cross ties there too.
The next box has the swiss chard from last year. At least part of that box will be replaced with the watermelon when it gets a little further along. The box beside that one has the lettuce (and carrots if they ever come up).
In the back against the wall is the last box with the new swiss chard, spinach, arugula and peas. Unfortunately the box has been attacked several times back the squirrels. We’re talking about buildin some sort of a cage over the box to protect the plants.
Aside from the vegetables we also have nasturtiums doing well and marigolds. I’ve planted seeds for several varieties of basil and oregano. With a bit of luck this could be a very good year for our little garden.

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