I took this photo a few days ago.
The Cocozella di Napoli & straightneck squashes today.
The Porch garden
From this angle it’s easier to see the smaller squashes. There will be two more in the box.
The porch garden continues to do well. Everything is growing. The basil are starting to grow more and the bell peppers have started to get more leaves. In our seed-starter the last Napoli is already up and will be ready to transplant soon. I’m starting one more straightneck and a half-dozen more bell peppers. Since we lost one basil plant I’m going to start another lettuce as well.
It’s exciting to see the plants doing so well. We’ve had a nice mild spring so far which has helped. Plus we were able to set the plants up outside early because temperatures around the porch stayed warmer than the rest of the area. There were a couple frosty mornings after they went out — but the frost line didn’t reach the porch. They get sun most of the day but we had wondered if it would be enough or not. Over at the Path to Freedom site they have bananas developing! It’s so much warmer there! Not that I want to move to California but bananas would be nice to grow. Maybe in a greenhouse someday?
This weekend I’ve been catching up on issues of Mother Earth News, Countryside, & BackHome. I love reading the magazines but it sure does make me look forward to the day when we can move out of the apartment into a house. I can’t wait to have some land and be able to expand our efforts. At this stage, looking at our progress paying off debts, it might happen next year.