We had some trouble with our website host and lost several posts, we switched hosts and I was going to re-post the lost ones but it hasn’t happened and at this point I doubt I will. After the trouble with our web host we just got very busy with house hunting and buying and then we were without internet for awhile after we moved (excuses, excuses). Hopefully we’ll be better about keeping our websites updated.
So what’s been happening with Kate and Ryan and Xander? A lot! We bought a house!!!! It’s in the small town of Rainier which makes for a nice commute to work for Ryan. The house has 3 bedrooms so Xander now has his very own room. The best part of the place is that the lot is over an acre! It’s wonderful, needs a lot of TLC but we just love it.
The move was a pain, as all moves are. Took us what felt like forever to get everything moved and get the apartment all cleaned. It is so great to be completely done with that. We’re not done unpacking– still a ton of boxes to go through but we can take our time.
The dogs are loving having a yard to run around in. Sadly they have both been attacked by yellow jackets but other than that they’ve really enjoyed being outside. McCoy loves exploring the woods and just going everywhere. Poppy Seed sticks close to us when we’re out, she doesn’t like the wooded part that much because the berry brambles are right at her height. She prefers to stay in the grassy area around the house, running around and laying in the grass.
Xander also loves going outside and sitting on the grass. He likes to pull it out with both his fingers and toes, very cute. He’s sitting up by himself really well these days. Still not crawling but he gets wherever he wants by scooting and rolling. He’s really fast, can get across the living room in a blink of an eye.
Will try to post some photos of the place and of Xander soon. Did post a panoramic photo shoot of the side yard. Only works if you have a Windows system and you probably need to install software to see it. I’ll post just some photos from it for those of you who can’t see it.