Xander’s getting so BIG!

Today is Xander’s 4 month-day. It was also his 4 month well baby checkup. He weighs 13 pounds 4 ounces and is 24 3/4 inches long. That puts him at the 25 percentile for weight and 50 percentile for height– both are up from his 2 month checkup. He’s had a nice growth spurt in between appointments.

At his well baby appointments we get to fill out a questionnaire about what developmental milestones he’s reached. You just answer yes or no to the questions, stopping when you’ve reached 3 different no’s. One of the questions was whether he had rolled over from belly to back 2 or more times, I circled no cause he’d only done it the once— and then he rolled over on the table! Ryan immediately put him back on his tummy and he rolled right back over again! Competitive baby, he wanted that to be circled yes!

Another question was when you hold a small object like a penny or a raisin in front of him does he focus on it? We were both kind of stunned, well we’d never thought to hold something like that in front of the baby– you’re supposed to keep small choke hazards away from the baby! Ryan found a paper clip and held it up in front of Xander and yes, he can focus on small objects.

All in all he’s a very healthy baby! Which we already knew. He’s also a very happy and easy baby. Which we already knew. Both our doctor and then later the nurse (though technically they’re both nurses since our primary care provider is a pediatric nurse practitioner) commented that he’s the kind of baby that makes you decide to have another. Which I found really funny since they pretty much said the same thing word for word.

Edit: I just pulled out Ryan’s baby book. At 4 months he was 24 inches tall and 13 pounds 12 ounces. So Ryan was a smidge shorter and a little bit pudgier than Xander, but not much of a difference!

Xander is no longer dog gone cute!

What do you mean I'm not cute?!
What do you mean I'm not cute?!

Oh, you’re still the cutest baby ever, Xander Bear! But sadly, you’ve outgrown this outfit!

Yet another outfit getting boxed away.
Yet another outfit getting boxed away.
Dog Gone Cute
Dog Gone Cute

He’s growing so big! He has his 4 month checkup this week and I can’t wait to find out how much he weighs now. He definitely feels a lot heavier when I pick him up, and he’s outgrown so many outfits (and his diaper covers!), so I know he’s getting bigger but it’ll be nice to know exactly how big he is.

Xander is also teething. No actual teeth sightings yet, but he is chewing on everything he can reach and drooling a lot. He really likes to chew on his bunny.

Chewing on his teething bunny!
Chewing on his teething bunny!
Got that wascally wabbit!
Got that wascally wabbit!

What else is new, well, he’s started purposefully hitting the toys on his activity playmat. Before he might accidentally hit them with his hands or feet but now he does it on purpose. He can actually reach out and grab the toy he wants to play with (usually trying to stuff it into his mouth!).

He also rolled over from his belly to his back once! Can’t get him to do it again but I’m ready now. When he did it I wasn’t expecting it at all and I freaked and screamed out which sent the dogs running and barking– not a good thing when the baby is on the floor (bad Mommy!). Now I’m prepared so hopefully I’ll react a little calmer and maybe even have the video camera running.

Before you know it he’ll be crawling around the apartment!

You still think I'm cute Mommy?
You still think I'm cute Mommy?
You're still the cutest little farmboy ever, Xander Bear!
You're still the cutest little farmboy ever, Xander Bear!

Count the Bees!

Join the hunt for bees!

By watching and recording the bees at sunflowers in your garden, you can help us understand the challenges that bees are facing. The first batches of seeds are mailing the week of 23 March 2009. We’ll be sending our next round of annual Lemon Queen sunflower seeds at the end of April 2009. Just in time to plant!

* It takes less than 30 minutes.
* It’s easy.
* Free Sunflower seeds for planting.
* No knowledge of bees required!

Enter your bee counts online or send us your paper form.
We would love to have you join us; let’s help our most important pollinators together!

I just signed up to plant sunflowers on our patio garden and spend some time this summer counting bees. Will you bee joining me?

Guess who’s 3 months old today?

Who Mommy? Who is 3 months old?
Who Mommy? Who is 3 months old?

It’s you Xander! Today is your 3 month-day!

Really? Are you sure?
Really? Are you sure?

Yep, I’m sure and to celebrate we’ll go on a nice walk. First we have to get you all bundled up because it’s cold out today.

Mommy, I feel like a sausage!
Mommy, I feel like a sausage!

You’re an awfully cute sausage!

Well, as long as I look cute.
Well, as long as I look cute.

Did you have a fun walk Xander?

Going for a walk sure is exhausting!
Going for a walk sure is exhausting!
Are we done yet? I'm ready for my milk break.
Are we done yet? I'm ready for my milk break.
Mmmm. Milk, it does a body good.
Mmmm. Milk, it does a body good.

Garden Growing

Our porch garden doesn’t really stop these days. We kept kale, broccoli, carrots, spinach and strawberries going through the winter. Our blueberry bush is budding out now and the peas are up. Everything is growing well. Yesterday I started tomato seeds, more Golden Rave tomatoes. It’s a bit late but we’ll see how they do.

Porch Garden
Porch Garden

Springtime, or is it Summer?

It was over 70 here today! Bright and sunny, an absolutely beautiful day. Perfect day to take Xander out for a ride in his new stroller.

So tiny looking in his gigantic stroller.
So tiny looking in his gigantic stroller.

He seems to enjoy going for a ride. It will be more comfortable for him once the car seat attachment gets delivered later this week. He’s a little too small to ride like this, okay for a short trip but he sorta slumps down on the straps. It will be a little while before he grows into them.

Not too long though, he’s already up over eleven and a half pounds!! Most of the 3 month clothes are feeling snug on him. It’s amazing how fast he grows and changes. He’s started to push up on his arms when he has his belly time. He’s also started “talking”, mostly to Ryan. He really chatters away when Ryan gets home from work, telling Daddy all about his day.

Xander and Ryan
Xander and Ryan

But Xander’s biggest accomplishment and favorite thing to do now is…


to make spit bubbles! Such cute spit bubbles!

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