The porch garden has been growing like crazy. The tomatoes and the zucchini are hard at work taking over the porch.
There Really Is A Baby In There!
We got our first look at the baby today! At our second prenatal visit we had an ultrasound to check on the babies growth (make sure the due date was pretty accurate). Everything looked fine, the baby is right on target for a January 13th arrival!
It seemed sort of unreal to me, a blurry image. But then, the baby waved it’s arms!!!!! That was so cool! There really is a baby inside me! I really am pregnant! After almost 17 years of marriage (and no pregnancies) I had pretty much put this dream behind me. I’ve been having a hard time believing it’s really happening. But it is, our baby waved!!!!
This was our first time meeting the OB and I’m thrilled to report that so far we both really liked her. We’ll be seeing her again in early August.
P.S. We’ve added a pregnancy ticker in the upper left corner of the web page. It shows how far along I am and how many more days until the baby is due!
Garden Update
I’ve been meaning to post some pictures from our garden.
The photos are from last weekend, but in the few days since then the plants have grown even more. It’s a lot of fun seeing how they’re doing each day.
First Doctor’s Visit
Our first doctor’s visit was today. Must admit it was kind of a let down. We only saw and talked to a nurse, and she was really nice and helpful but it was pretty much your standard intro appointment. We have to wait for the appointment with the actual OB to have the first ultra sound and actually see the baby. Which I understand, but gee, don’t they understand how hard it is to wait??!!!!! Thankfully we only have to wait a week, but still!!!!
Anyway, she went over my health history, symptoms, what to expect, etc… By going over my last several cycles she thought they were regular enough to use my last period as a starting point for a due date (we had thought they weren’t regular enough to use). So…. I am exactly 12 weeks along today and the baby is due on January 13th. Way further along than I had thought, of course I’m the one who didn’t think I was pregnant at all. The way they count how far along you are is weird, they start week one on the date of your last period. Even if you’re super regular person you won’t ovulate and be able to get pregnant for 2 weeks! It’s bizarre.
Our appointment with the OB is next Monday. Can’t wait to see the little one!
Our appointment is on Tuesday so maybe we’ll know more then. Like a due date.