Today is another sunny day so I couldn’t wait to use the solar oven again. We’d run out of snacks so a treat sounded good. We checked out
from the library so I looked inside and found an easy brownie recipe to try out.
The recipe worked fine. I made a few adjustments to the recipe. Organic Sucanat instead of brown sugar and pecans instead of walnuts.
After I finished and was folding the reflectors a couple came walking down the side walk.
“Does that really work?” he asked.
“Yep,” I answered. “I just finished baking some brownies in it.”
“How hot does it get?”
“It was just at 300° F.”
They both thought it was very interesting. I chatted a bit more, pointing out the benefits such as not heating up the apartment on a hot day like this. We’ve had similar conversations before with people that see the sun oven. It’s always nice to demonstrate possibilities.