Fall is definitely here. We’ve had blustery rainy days and all the maples have changed colours and are dropping their leaves. Though the sky has been overcast our porch seems brighter since Ryan has cleaned up most of the summer planters. Those huge tomato plants blocked a lot of the light. Our summer garden isn’t completely gone, we still have a nice bunch of swiss chard and some basil. We’ve also gotten a renewal of blooms on several of the marigolds.
Our fall garden hasn’t been a big success. The spinach and kale are small but still growing, the garlic looks like it is doing well, but the brocolli is a complete failure. Spindly little plants.
We haven’t seen any frogs around lately but we hear them every night. One evening a froggy was singing a very LOUD sad song. Froggy sings the blues. This afternoon I glanced out the slider and “plop” a little splot landed on the patio. I got up to see what it was and it was an itty bitty frog. I’m assuming it was inside the spinach planter and had just jumped out. I went and got the camera and took a few shots. Brave little fella, didn’t even try hopping away when I slid a penny next to it for size comparison.[newline]
Fall has also led to the arrival of the spiders! Those big garden spiders are everywhere now. One even had the gall to build it’s web across our front door frame. I opened the door one day to get a box from FedEx and there is this huge spider hanging over me. The guy said, “I hope you’re not afraid of spiders?”
“Terrified of them”, I responded.
He then reached up an grabbed the spider out of it’s web with his bare hands!!!! Now I’m sure he was thinking brave man helps scared woman but all I could think of was freak grabbed the spider with his bare hands!!!!!