[thumb:442:l] Lately we’ve been harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes. The two tomatoes in the picture are from the Patio Orange tomato plant. We also harvested our first Thai Pink Egg tomato the other day. There are a bunch of tomatoes on the plants — soon we’ll have a bunch to use.
The garden is doing well for the most part as summer is getting shorter.
We’re planning for a Fall crop this year. This morning I planted the half the side box with Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach. We’ve ordered Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli, Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli, and Blue Curled Scotch Kale from Baker Creek Seed. I’ll plant them as soon as they come in. I’ll have to take out the peas, but I think we’ve harvested about as many peas as we’re going to. We didn’t really have enough to produce a useful amount at once.
With such limited space some plants do better than others. The greens have done well. Plants like the cucumbers and tomatoes seem to do pretty well. Next year we want to grow more zucchini again. I think when the tomatoes come out later on I’ll plant some garlic since it needs to go over winter.