Harvests & Fall

[thumb:442:l] Lately we’ve been harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes. The two tomatoes in the picture are from the Patio Orange tomato plant. We also harvested our first Thai Pink Egg tomato the other day. There are a bunch of tomatoes on the plants — soon we’ll have a bunch to use.

The garden is doing well for the most part as summer is getting shorter.
We’re planning for a Fall crop this year. This morning I planted the half the side box with Bloomsdale Long Standing Spinach. We’ve ordered Calabrese Green Sprouting Broccoli, Early Purple Sprouting Broccoli, and Blue Curled Scotch Kale from Baker Creek Seed. I’ll plant them as soon as they come in. I’ll have to take out the peas, but I think we’ve harvested about as many peas as we’re going to. We didn’t really have enough to produce a useful amount at once.

With such limited space some plants do better than others. The greens have done well. Plants like the cucumbers and tomatoes seem to do pretty well. Next year we want to grow more zucchini again. I think when the tomatoes come out later on I’ll plant some garlic since it needs to go over winter.

First Tomato

Yesterday Kate noticed that one of the tomatoes on the Patio Orange had ripened. It was hiding behind the others.
It weighed in at 1.1oz. Not a big tomato but it looks good. Hopefully others will start to ripen.
The porch garden continues to grow. The Thai Pink Egg tomatoes have set heavily — if they ripen we should have quite a few tomatoes. We’ve been harvesting cucumbers from the Lemon Cucumber. August is around the corner. We need to figure out what we’ll be growing into the Fall.

Say Cheese!

Ryan brought home a new solar cooking cookbook from the library the other day. The other cookbooks that the library had were all pretty old but this one is brand new and looks to have quite a few tasty recipes.
Cooking with Sunshine: The Complete Guide to Solar Cuisine with 150 Easy Sun-Cooked Recipes[newline]

One of the recipes that immediately jumped out at me was for cream cheese. I like to spread cream cheese on my skillet banana bread that I’ve been baking in the Sun Oven, so it seems right to make the cream cheese in the oven too. Ryan wants to try the cream cheese in a cheesecake. It was really easy to make: 1 Cup buttermilk + 1 Quart whole milk, covered in the sun oven for a couple of hours until the curds seperate from the whey. Then drain for a while.

Once the whey is all drained off mix in a 1/4 Teaspoon salt.

It was more creamy and less tangy than my normal cream cheese but still quite yummy. I have a feeling if you added a little bit of the store bought cream cheese or a bought culture to the mixture as it cooks that you’d get that tanginess. I might try that with the next batch.


It has been hot here. It isn’t cooling off much at night either. The low last night was 73°F. There are some clouds this morning which made for an interesting sunrise.
The effect only lasted a few minutes but it was very dramatic. Despite the clouds the forecast still calls for temperatures in the upper 80°F to 90°F. Yesterday Kate baked yummy brownies in the solar ovens plus our dinner. It all was very good. If it is hot but cloudy today that’s not going to be an option.

Baked by the Sun

That is how we’re feeling, baked. It is supposed to get up near 100 today, it’s already 95 on our patio and feels much hotter in the sun. I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and let it bake something else— peanut butter swirl brownies. It’s the first time I’ve made this recipe and the first time I’ve used the Sun Oven on my own (Ryan is usually the Sun Oven cook).

Here are the brownies baking in the oven.

It seemed to work really well, except that the shelf tilted so the batter pooled on one side making for lopsided brownies.

Our patio garden, with it’s shade and water reservoirs, must seem like an oasis from the heat for the little frogs. Last night while taking the dogs out we saw 3 of them and the other day I snapped this photo of two sharing the Thai tomato water spout.

Hope everyone is able to find a cool spot to hang out and avoid this heatwave.

Baby Frog!

The two frogs (that we know of) that had been living in the tomato planters have been missing for some time now. Today when watering I noticed the bright green frog in the Thai tomato planter’s water spout. Then I did a double take– it shrunk! It was a baby frog, a little larger than a dime. So cute! Unfortunately our camera doesn’t zoom very well so this is the best shot I could get.


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