We’ve changed the name of the site. Why? Eventually we’d like to have a fiber farm with sheep and goats. Possibly other fibers too, both vegetable and animal. For awhile now we’ve considered different names until Kate came up with this one.
Has Peak Oil Gone Mainstream?
Matt Savinar’s post covers a number of interesting points.
The fact is the true Peak Oil meme, which boils down to various ways of saying “we’re going to have to get by with a whole lot less in the future”, is never going to go mainstream. Not in a society where virtually everybody alive today had their brain’s software programmed at a time where the present was always more wealth-filled and energy-rich than the past. For all of us 65 years and younger, the actual neural wiring of our brains was shaped at a time where energy was becoming constantly more abundant. Most of us simply don’t have the brain hardware necessary to understand the software program of “less wealth and technology in the future than the present.”
George W. Bush and Peak Oil: Beyond Incompetence by Richard Heinberg
Posted over at EnergyBulletin.net this essay by Heinberg is an excerpt from an upcoming book, The Case for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Heinberg has written other materials on Peak Oil.
Recently I transplanted the swiss chard, spinach and arugula out to one of the Earthboxes. It has been cold some nights but they seem to be surviving so far. The tomatoes, cucumber and flowers are still inside. I’ve transplanted the tomatoes and cucumber into larger pots so that they can grow bigger before I move them outside. I need to get the flowers transplanted as well. Plus I want to get the lettuce set up outside. I’ll get some pictures up soon.
Pi Day
This last Tuesday, March 14th, was Pi Day. I had planned a whole Pi menu to celebrate only to realize that it was Ryan’s late night and he wouldn’t be home for dinner. So I’ll be making a Shepherd’s Pie at some future date and I limited my pi baking to Ryan’s favorite, Banana Cream Pie.
This was the first time I had made a meringue with our Kitchen Aid mixer. Wow! It really whips those eggs, it was the best meringue I’ve ever made. Now I want to try whipping up some whipped cream for something.
Here’s the pie with the meringue just put on:
And after baking the meringue:
Of course, banana cream pie doesn’t keep very well so we we’re forced to pig out on it. Hope you all had a wonderful Pi day!
Three days of Yoga
I completed the third day of yoga practice. I’m not sure if it’s thanks to the yoga or not but I seem to be sleeping better the last couple nights. I haven’t been waking up with aching muscles.