
Woke up this morning to snowfall. It has been snowing off and on all morning. Right now it’s just tiny little flakes but a few minutes ago it was the big fluffy kind.

Looking towards the field.
Snow falling

Over the rooftops.
rooftop snow

I’m sure by this afternoon it will turn to rain and then all the lovely white stuff will be gone. Sigh. It’s so pretty.

Yoga practice

Moving Toward Balance : 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee
Moving Toward Balance : 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee
I’m starting to work through this 8 week program. I’ve tried yoga off and on for the last couple years – more off than on. I’m pretty inflexible at this point. My legs are particularly stiff, so much so that I can’t sit straight up against a wall with my legs extended out in front of me. Likewise I’m not going to do a standing forward bend and put my hands flat on the floor while keeping my legs straight. But that’s okay. I need to remind myself to simply take the postures as far as I’m able. The real key will be whether or not I stick with the program. Right now I have the book out from the library. If I stick with it until the due date then I’ll go ahead and buy the book. It’s the library’s only copy and there are other people waiting for it so I’m not going to be able to keep it long enough to finish the program.

It felt good this morning to do the exercises even if I am limited in my range of motion.

More seeds

I’ve started another batch of seeds. This one contains nasturtiums (x3), marigolds (x2) and the lemon cucumber. The cucumber seeds were a free gift from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. I hadn’t planned to have them but after reading about the plant it sounded interesting so I decided to go ahead and plant them. I still need to get the carrots and herbs started. I think maybe next week I’ll do those plants. I need some more seed pots. Plus I’ll be doing rotation planting this year – I’ve got nine more lettuce to start as well. Not all at once.

Thai Pink Egg Tomato

The Thai Pink Egg Tomato has sprouted. That’s the first of the tomatoes to come up. We’ve grown the Pink Eggs the last couple years. The first year they did really well and we got a bunch of tomatoes. This last year wasn’t as good for us but we got some harvest. Better than the other variety we tried which died off. So far no Spinach, Ground Cherry or Patio Orange tomato. I hope they come up. We didn’t have any luck with the Ground Cherry last year. The spinach did poorly. Hopefully both will do better this year. The Patio Orange is a new variety to try.

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