It was a bit dark the other day when I took the pictures. Today the sun came out for awhile so I took a few more pictures of the new porch layout.
This shot is looking out the door. There are a couple more containers to the left out of the frame. The chard is small but still producing. Great plants.
This cluster of small containers will have flowers and maybe some herbs. The dead looking plant at the back got killed back when it got cold but some of it is still alive. Hopefully it’ll come back this year as it warms up.
This shows the full layout for this year. The containers are arranged around the corner which gets the most sun.
We picked up some more soil to top off the boxes but I’ll add it when we get closer to planting. I need to get the planting chart worked out and then I’ll put it up. I ordered some more seeds for this year from Baker Creek. Marigolds – French – Petite Mix , Nasturtium – Dwarf Jewel Mix, Garden Peas – Little Marvel , Tomatoes – Orange – Patio Orange, and Watermelon – Bush Sugar Baby.
Watermelons! I plan to try growing them up the cage. This variety is only supposed to produce vines 3 1/2 feet long. That should fit well. A few slings to help support the melons tied to the cage and we should be all set. I hope it works out well. We can’t get much from the garden but fresh watermelons would be nice.