Hard to believe the month is alreading ending. With the recent warm weather the porch garden continues to grow.
The garden is doing well. Many of the plants are really taking off over the last couple weeks.
The swiss chard continues to grow very well. I’ve transplanted some more plants into the box. The sunflower right behind the swiss chard is by far our largest so far. The two seem to be in a race to grow the quickest. We’ve had some of the chard already in some small salads. Very tasty.
The Siletz tomatoes are growing well now. I transplanted the second plant from the seed starter. I’ve given up on the ground cherry. None of the seeds were coming up. More tomatoes will be good.
Between the two tomato boxes the basil is doing well with sunflowers along the back. I replaced one of the sunflowers since one had died. In just the last few days more of the newer seeds I planted have come up. If the plants all do well we should end up with lots of basil. I’m not sure about the oregano at this point.
The Thai Pink Egg tomatoes continue to flourish. Obviously a good variety for starting early! I had extra seedlings with no room to plant them. I can’t wait until they are filling up those cages.
The lettuce is doing well. The arugula tried to flower already. I may take it out in favor of more lettuce. The spinach is growing but with an odd leaf curling issue. The fresh greens have been tasty already in a few salads and on sandwiches.
The rose is in full bloom. Very pretty.
All in all the garden is doing well. I transplanted a couple extra sunflowers into a pot I had on hand – we’ll see how they do as well. I expect to see quite a bit of growth over the next couple weeks.